UK’s Best Umbrella
Where was Rainshader?
While I was away trading at The Motorhome and Caravan Show NEC, every day customers were asking me
“why was Rainshader Umbrellas not on This Morning programme, they were testing the Best Umbrella”,
And telling me;
“Rainshader should have been on there, your umbrella is amazing, I walk my dog on the beach in the wind and rain and it doesn’t blow inside out”
I said “I didn’t know anything about it, but wished I had as I would have sent them one to test”
So not to be left out, I went straight to YouTube to take a look. Who would have thought an umbrella could add so much fun and laughter in the morning, great viewing, I laughed so much at Holly and Phil.
Rainshader Testing Umbrellas
So not be to be left out, you can view our own testing by typing in Rainshader on YouTube, or visit the videos on our site here –
Tested to Gale Force 7 so this umbrella will not leave you standing in the rain like a drowned Rat and running for the next doorway to stand in.
Top annoying Umbrella Problems
This was summed up excellently from guest author Kate Benson when she wrote an article for “Which” heading “I Hate Umbrellas” – check it out!
“What do you Hate about umbrellas?
The Top 5 Umbrella Problems resolved with Rainshader
Having travelled the country for the past 2 years, I receive so many amazing stories regarding problems with the conventional umbrella and how Rainshader umbrellas resolve these issues
- Don’t blow inside out, proven with wind testing to gale force 7
great for spectating any sports events, festivals and walking in cities/towns
- Safe – Dome designed position to go over your shoulders, no spikes sticking out
do not poke passers-by in the eyes
- Your own space – an umbrella that is just for YOU keeping you warm and dry
You do not – invade other peoples space, do not block other people’s view, don’t have to lift umbrellas up when walking/standing in crowds and do not drip on others.
- Strong and lightweight – Top Engineers designed umbrella Ribs, using lightweight fibreglass for the ribs to stay strong.
we all like an umbrella that is light and strong umbrella that will protect us from all elements
- UV Protection – All the material used for our Rainshader umbrellas hold a UV Factor 20
Climate changes are seeing us using umbrellas more for protection from the sun.
Rainshder all material protects from the sun and keeps you cool
Umbrellas are a bit like Marmite, you either like them or hate them or
is it that you haven’t bought the right one – Would love to receive your comments